Simplifying Cybersecurity Without Breaking the Bank: A Guide for ANZ Businesses 

When it comes to modern business, simplicity beats complexity almost every time. However, in cybersecurity and other specialised fields, there is a misconception that complexity signals expertise. 

Cyber consultants tend to lean heavily on jargon, buzzwords, and consulting speak, which can create confusion and anxiety. This, coupled with the overwhelming abundance of cybersecurity solutions, has led many Australian businesses to invest in the wrong programs and services to protect their operations. While 65% of Australian businesses have a cybersecurity strategy, many are still overwhelmed by the complexity of solutions and are underutilising existing tools. 

The truth is, there’s no one silver bullet for Australian companies looking to protect their systems, and most are paying for services that don’t align with their actual needs. The core challenges often stem from issues like lack of visibility, inadequate capabilities, outdated arrangements with MSPs, and poorly structured approaches to planning. These issues are exacerbated by unclear messaging from boards and executives, who often fail to recognise the critical importance of cybersecurity. Strong leadership is required to take the reins and drive effective action. 

The Hidden Costs of Overcomplicating Cybersecurity in ANZ 

Whether you're dealing with your in-house security team or interacting with external cyber providers, you’ll know they have a tendency to get caught up in the latest cybersecurity buzzwords and trends. While staying current and sounding knowledgeable is all fine and good, it can often lead to serious oversights. This obsession with tools and trends complicates cybersecurity efforts and diverts attention from the fundamental principles essential for robust security. 

In-house teams may find themselves overwhelmed by the sheer volume of new technologies, leading to a focus on implementing the latest tools rather than honing strategy, communication, and execution. On the other hand, consultancies and vendors, driven by a revenue-focused culture, can muddy the waters further by pushing a wide array of services and cross-selling opportunities, often under the guise of being a one-stop shop for all cybersecurity needs. 

This combination of internal overcomplication and external pressure to adopt a myriad of solutions often distracts from what really matters: creating a clear, effective strategy that addresses the core security needs of the organisation. Both in-house teams and consultancies need to shift focus away from complexity and back to the basics of cybersecurity: effective strategy, clear communication, and streamlined execution. Only by simplifying their approach can organisations address vulnerabilities and build a more resilient security posture. 

Customise Your Cybersecurity Strategy for Maximum Impact 

Every business is unique, as is your technology stack, internal capabilities, and operational workflow. Additionally, each organisation is at a different stage of cyber maturity. Attackers are aware of this and tailor their methods of entry to exploit a business's unique vulnerabilities, often targeting those business that are easier targets due to less resistance (i.e. poorer cyber hygiene). 

Businesses need to know what attackers will likely target and where they are most vulnerable. Unfortunately, too many teams get bogged down in the buzz, overlook the basics, and lose sight of their vulnerability profile and risk appetite. This often results in resilience blind spots in areas such as visibility, capability, and responsibility, with teams losing sight of their overall framework.  

NSB Cyber helps organisations overcome these blind spots by: 

  • Ensuring clear visibility and communication about the cybersecurity program across the organisation. 

  • Ensure the right team and resources are in place, particularly for small to medium businesses. 

  • Defining responsibility by assigning accountability and ownership for cybersecurity within the organisation and with service providers. 

  • Structuring the approach to ensure the planning and execution of the cybersecurity strategy is well-defined and actionable. 

By addressing these areas, organisations can tailor their cybersecurity strategy to their specific risk appetite and actual risks. Clearly defining their risk appetite allows businesses to develop a cybersecurity roadmap that focuses on the most critical risks, optimising resources and ensuring effective protection where it matters most. 

Get The Basics Right 

Another problem we commonly see arising is businesses jumping straight to complicated, costly solutions without getting the foundations right.  

The basics must be addressed first.  

There are no shortcuts, and no technology or solution will replace the necessary groundwork required. Technologies are part of execution, but execution will only be effective with proper forethought and planning. Teams must invest time in this foundational work before adopting the latest trends and offerings. 

It is the elementary things that continually get overlooked, including: 

  •    Implementing Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) 

  •    Establishing a robust Vulnerability Management program 

  •    Building clear processes around incident handling to develop muscle memory 

Conduct a Yearly Vendor and Tech Audit: Are You Being Oversold? 

In the rush to protect their operations, many businesses end up with a tech stack that is riddled with overlap. This often means multiple tools are performing the same function, or solutions don't align with their actual needs. This overlap is usually due to being oversold by vendors and consultants who prioritise their revenue over your organisation's genuine needs. The cybersecurity landscape is already complex, and adding unnecessary tools only worsens the problem, leading to inefficiencies and inflated costs. 

Conducting a yearly vendor and tech audit is crucial to identifying where your solutions may overlap or where you're paying for services that don't actually protect your business. Regularly reviewing your tools and solutions ensures that your tech stack remains streamlined and aligned with your actual needs. 

NSB Cyber works with clients to cut through the noise, identifying the essential and foundational technologies needed to address their key risks and requirements. We help organisations simplify their cybersecurity efforts by focusing only on what’s necessary and effective, making them more manageable and cost-effective. 

Harness the Power of Your People for Stronger Cybersecurity 

When it comes to cybersecurity, technology is only part of the equation. The human factor is equally, if not more, critical to building a resilient cybersecurity posture. While advanced tools and frameworks are important, the people who use and manage these systems are the actual front line of defence. 

One of the most significant pitfalls in cybersecurity is overlooking the importance of human expertise and training. Too often, businesses focus on acquiring the latest technology while neglecting to invest in the people who will operate and rely on these tools. Even the most sophisticated technology can be rendered ineffective without knowledgeable and engaged personnel to manage it. 

At NSB Cyber, we take a holistic approach to cybersecurity, recognising that the expertise and engagement of your team are crucial to achieving true resilience. 

Technical tools are only a part of the puzzle: ensuring your team is well-trained, confident, and capable of critical thinking helps bring the whole picture together. By fostering a cyber-aware culture and investing in continuous education and hands-on training, organisations can effectively empower their employees to identify, respond to, and mitigate threats. 

In addition to training, clear communication and defined roles are crucial. Every team member should understand their responsibilities in maintaining cybersecurity resilience and how their actions contribute to the overall security strategy. This clarity helps avoid confusion during critical moments, ensuring everyone knows what to do and when. 

By focusing on developing your team’s expertise and integrating it with the right technology, organisations can create a more robust and resilient cybersecurity posture. This approach ensures that technology and people work together seamlessly, strengthening your immediate response to threats while enhancing your organisation’s ability to adapt and evolve over the long term. 

Simplify, Empower, and Protect with NSB Cyber 

At NSB Cyber, we believe in no-nonsense, practical solutions that empower your team and protect your business. Ready to simplify your cybersecurity and strengthen your defence? 

Book an introductory meeting with us today and discover how NSB Cyber helps you stay resilient before, during, and after a cyber-attack.  


Cybersecurity Crisis Management: How Technology Leaders Can Support CEOs During a Cyberattack 


Building Cybersecurity Resilience: A Conversation with Shane Bell from NSB Cyber